Like The Equinox, Art Is A Manifestation
Did you feel that tilting, that tipping, that falling into more light this week? After the briefest pause of balance between day and night, we're unfurling into the abundance of spring. Something that went underground last fall is now manifest: maybe it's visible, audible, smell-able and feel-able. You can feel it, can't you?
Pause a moment, close your eyes and listen. What is really here, right now? Do you hear birds? Squirrels? Children? Lovers?
Now smell: cottonwood buds? Daphne?
Open your eyes. What is showing itself to you now?
Open your sensitivity - what do you feel? Can you name it? Could you express it? What is emerging?
The artistic process follows a similar rhythm for me, bringing up from underground what was hidden. Painting, drawing, snipping, gluing and arranging all facilitate my therapeutic growth. While I feel palpable relief from speaking my troubles to another person, creating images of my inner struggles is even more powerful in mitigating their phantom-like power over me. When I can see and touch these parts of me, and show them to the world, I can have relationships with all of my parts. I am reminded that I am not alone, and presenting these parts this way always facilitates connection. I don't make art with this intention, but when it comes from my authentic self, folks resonnate with my expressions.
The ghoul I recently befriended in my art-making was the part of me that worries about money. I dove deep, and learned so much about what I truly value.
I listed all of my possessions. So much stuff! I don't lack any things. I listed my cherished relationships. So much love and connection! I listed all of my skills, talents and gifts. So much worth!
So what is this feeling of lack about?
Indirectly, my culture tells me I should be rich. If I should exchange money for time and relationships, I would be called successful. Most spiritual paths warn against taking more than we need, but Capitalism assures that there is no end to "need". The career paths I have chosen rarely lead to Rodeo Drive, while we yogis and teachers often serve the well-to-do. So many ideas about values and worth are all living underground.
If I had a currency exchange or other columns on my ledger for time, relationships, gifts, talents and skills, I could tick those little boxes every day, a reconcile my actual wealth.
I'm learning that everyone has money concerns. We all want to feel valued and if we measure it in coins this might seem like a poor compensation for what we actually give in value.
I had to get uncomfortable to weed through it all that comes up around money, and I'm sure that more will be revealed.
I wonder what's coming up for you?
David Bowie's advice to artists: "remember the reason you started working, that there's something inside of you, that if you could manifest it in some way, you would understand more about yourself and how you coexist with the rest of society...always go a little further in the water than you think you're capable of doing...and when you feel your feet are no longer touching the bottom, you're just about to do something exciting.".
Here's my money goddess. She's literally made of money that I made! My bills honor artists, activists and deities I admire. Her many-layered skirt is decked with the wealth I listed before (loves, talents etc.). Her face will reflect the contented moon in the pond before her, as she allows riches to move through her. She's literally hollow: you can drop money through her head and see it come out the bottom. She's helping me become a conduit: opulence comes to me, I let enough stick to me to feel at ease, then let the rest move through me, spreading it into the community.
If you want to meet her in person and experience the flow of fortune, come to:
Creative Workspace Art Show!
Sunday, March 24, 3:00-5:00
Consulate de Monte Cristo, 204 N. Commercial Street
(Teaser...3 other 3 Oms community members will also be showing)