In The Belly of The Mother

Can we simultaneously be quiet and firey? This slice of the calendar marks the midway point between the winter solstice (quiet and reflective) and the spring equinox (the return of our firey sun). Pagans are awake to these spokes of the wheel of the year, celebrating the planet's cycles and our connection to nature's gradual transitions, in this case, from quiet darkness to emerging light.

Imbolc is the festival celebrated as this first harbinger of spring, lending a flicker of illumination when our days can still feel darker than we'd like.

Imbolc means, "In the belly of the mother", because we still have some gestating to do before we'll be fully cooked and ready to be born anew.

Remember last week's theme, soft and slow? That's how we'll still look on the outside, like the quiet earth, the bare tree branches, the unbuilt nests. But deep within, a fire is coming to life. Maybe we left a coal at the bottom of the stove, and it's seemed dormant and cool these past weeks, as we've naturally pulled inward. 

In our practices, we could start adding some fire, some pitta or tapas!

Whether the body feels dry and cold, or dull and sluggish, this tiny fire within could become a shining north star, toward which we can begin to steer our ships.

Remember that we're starting small, though, to foster a flame that is sustainable,
while we're still in the mother's belly.

Three yogic practices to reignite the fire:

1. Kapalabati Breath: Sitting upright, pump your belly toward your spine as you exhale forcefully through your nose (blow your nose first!). Start slowly, to coordinate your out breath with this strong movement of your abdomen, then pick up speed as you get the hang of it, building up to 50 cycles. 

2. Sun Salutations - there are endless variations, live classes and Youtube videos. Find a practice that's just the right level and pace for your fire to be kindled but not blow out!

3. Twists, inversions and backbends. All varieties will bring heat and its cleansing properties.

Sunna and the Wolf


My pretty, I will eat you,
and when I eat you you
will shine so brightly within me
I will tear myself open
for the joy of seeing you again.

Then it will be dawn.
The blood of my desire
will paint the sky.

Only you and I will know
how in the night you lay in my belly
and at daybreak I let you go.

Some things I like:

Baby Faun Rescue!!!

Land Being Returned to The People...but Mostly The Animals!

Bad Behaviors Punished, Our Money Recovered!


Like The Equinox, Art Is A Manifestation


Soft + Slow = Strong