Merci, Gracias, Djekuju

Well, beloved community, we did it! With all of your support, good wishes and Bellingham connections, I found myself a fantastic new home.  Thank you.

I truly believe that the kind words of love and encouragement I received from my community, near and far, buoyed me up to continue my search. I also am confident that the universe heard your vouching for me, wishing and praying for me to land safely and even beautifully.

Does anyone remember the end of Peter Pan, when it looks like Tinkerbell is going to die? In a stage version, one actor comes to the front and coaxes the entire audience to chant, "I do, I do, I do believe in fairies!", until we (the audience) actually revive the perishing pixie.

When we join together, we are unstoppable.
Almost every great act that ever occurred was done as a group effort,
each one doing just a small part.

Remember that your actions, words

and even thoughts have power.

There is so much we cannot see

or understand presently.

The blessings are still

in disguise!


We are more powerful than we know. You are part of something bigger than yourself. When we come together in love or in hatred, big things happen. I vote for love!

As I said last week, your willingness to hear my story makes you part of it. I appreciate you!

I can't pass up repeating Max Ehrman's words again,  "even with its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world". I have to say though, it's sweet to be back on the beautiful part of that sentence!



It’s Raining Diamonds on Jupiter!


Broken Dreams and Beauty